Saturday, August 13, 2016

Saturday 9

13 August 2016
Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love memes, however, and here is today's meme!

Saturday 9: Into You (2016)

... Because Cat suggested it.
Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.

1) In this video, Ariana Grande and her boyfriend take off on a motorcycle. Are your trips usually carefully planned? Or would you prefer to just spontaneously get up and go?
Kind of both, I guess.  For "big" trips, we plan with our travel agent.  But I do like the idea of just getting on the road and winging it.  Walt is more of a planner type.

2) As they ride through the desert, they pass several cacti. This makes Sam sad, since she had a potted cactus on her desk and managed to kill it in no time. Do you have luck with house plants?
I kill mint.  I kill dandelions.  At one time I had an epiphany and actually kept plants going for several years.  Our house looked like a jungle.  But the one day I looked at my overgrown living room and said to the plants, "I just don't care about you any moreSlowly they all died.  Now I have nothing green living in my house (unless it's mold on something in the refrigerator)

3) This song mentions the appeal of acting "a little bit scandalous." Tell us about a time you were the subject of gossip.
I probably have been because I can be rather bizarre, but if I was, I was not aware of it, which is a good thing because I am also very sensitive.

4) Ariana's mother is an executive at a company that makes, among other things, alarm systems. Is your home protected by a security system?
No.  It's protected by two dogs.  The terrier would probably lick any would-be robber and beg for tummy rubs, but the Chihuahua would kill him.

5) Ariana has her own fragrance, "Ari," available at major department stores. When you're at the mall, do you accept the scent strips you're handed? Or do you say, "no, thank you."
I say no thank you.  Many years ago I had a friend who was deathly (and that is no exaggeration) allergic to scent.  It was so bad she was often house-bound.  I learned then about scent allergies and how toxic they can be and I stopped wearing scent in deference to those around me who might also be allergic.  Since then I have found that I am really bothered by heavy scents on others -- not allergic, but just not used to them.

6) Ariana has said Mariah Carey is her "favorite human being on the planet" and her biggest musical influence. Who is your favorite female vocalist?
Since 1953, it has been Judy Garland, though she hasn't done much since 1969.

7) A big fan of horror movies, she admits Freddy Krueger of the Nightmare on Elm Street movies was her favorite growing up. Do you like scary movies?
No.  At least nothing more scary than The Sixth Sense.  I have not seen any slasher movies.

8) She had a brief relationship with rapper Big Sean. Do you like rap music?

9) Random question: Which kid were you in school -- Class Clown, Brain, Jock, Stoner, Cheerleader, Teacher's Pet?
Since I was usually the "good girl," I guess I was teacher's pet, though some teachers didn't think so.  I was definitely not class clown, jock, stoner or cheerleader, though some might have thought of me as a brain (I never did),  You can fool a lot of people if they always see you reading.  Reading was my way of dealing with social anxiety (still is).

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