Saturday, September 21, 2013

Sunday Stealing

First of all, is autumn your favorite season? Why or why not?
I think so.  I love the blossoms of spring (tra-la), but what follows spring is summer, my least favorite season, where autumn is followed by winter, which I love.

Is it ‘autumn’ or ‘fall’, to you?

Mostly "fall," I think, though I go both ways.

What kind of weather does your area get during this season?

Some sun, some rain, some wind.

Were you born in an autumn month?

Nope.  In a winter month.

Do you pay attention to any ‘fall fashions’?

I don't pay attention to any fashion of any season!

Which leaf color is your favorite?

Hard to say.  Probably the bright reds, but really it's the mix that does it for me.

Is it still fun to rake the leaves and jump in piles of them?

I grew up on concrete without trees.  We now rake leaves, but I'd look pretty silly if I jumped in a pile of them (to say nothing of probably breaking something)

When can you really tell that it’s autumn?

When the leaves begin to fall, though today it is our first day of rain and that's a pretty good sign.

Do you enjoy carving pumpkins?

I did, when we had kids at home.  Now, not so much.

Do you eat the pumpkin seeds? If so, do you put any kind of flavoring on it?

I think at one time I did, but not in decades.

Are you planning to go to a pumpkin patch this year?


Which was your favorite Halloween costume to wear?

I haven't worn on in forever, but my favorite costume ever was our granddaughter Lacie's costume her first year of life when her father was a football player (49er, of course) and Lacie was a football.

Are you planning to go trick-or-treating? Why or why not?

No.  I'm 70 years old!!!

Are there any county fairs or festivals held nearby during this time?

Probably; none that I am aware of, though.  Though I'm sure there are some up on Apple Hill.

What is your favorite dessert for this time of year?

Pumpkin pie at Thanksgiving.

Is your Thanksgiving Day in October or November, if you even celebrate it?

November and yes, we celebrate, though balancing part of the family in No. California and part in So. California is getting difficult.

If you do celebrate it, where do you usually have Thanksgiving dinner?

Well, we have had it at my mother's and I cooked dinner when she couldn't any more.  Now that she has moved into Assisted Living, I don't have a clue what we will do for Thanksgiving!

Do you remember any crafts you used to do that were autumn-themed?

Only making turkeys out of a tracing of your hand.

Which new TV show are you looking forward to this season?

The Blacklist and I'm hoping that the new Robin Williams and the new Michael J. Fox shows are good.

How does autumn typically make you feel?

SO much better than Summer.

What color do you always associate with autumn?

Orange, though that is not one of my favorite colors.

Is there a song that always reminds you of this season?

Not really.

Do you have any seasonal traditions?

No (god, I sound so boring!)

Do you spend a lot of time outside during this time of the year?

I'm not really an out-doorsie kind of person.

How can you tell that fall is over?

Leaves are gone, weather is colder (no snow here)

What is a typical autumn outfit that you wear?

A sweatshirt with my sweats instead of a t-shirt.

Describe a perfect autumn day:

Clear, crisp, temps in the low 70s, all the neighborhood trees turning color.

Do you hate it when stores start promoting Christmas early?

GOD, yes!  I saw my first TV commercial for Christmas today.  It's not even OCTOBER!!!

1 comment:

Kwizgiver said...

Your son's football costume with Lacie football sounds adorable!