Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Feelin' Crappy (again)

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to use the title, given the title of yesterday's entry!  The cold and wind of San Francisco yesterday didn't kill me, but I sure felt awful today.  I didn't even care about writing.  I decided to take the day and just relax.  I slept most of the day, save for being awakened by two phone calls (both solicitors).  I finally was up at nearly 4 p.m., feeling somewhat human again, thank goodness.
But since I've done nothing but sleep, and since I missed Sunday Stealing, here is this week's.

1. My uncle once: was a prisoner of war in World War II.  I told his story back in 2002

2. Never in my life: Have I been neat or tidy.

Me5.jpg (27810 bytes) 3. When I was five: I was a cute little kid with Shirley Temple curls...and apparently of normal weight.  I wonder how I went from this to "you're too fat to dance ballet" two years later.

4. High School was:  Some of my favorite years.  I loved my small school, made good friends, have nothing but very good memories.

5. I will never forget:  Oh so many things, but leaving aside anything having to do with the kids (so as to avoid charges of favoritism), the first thing that comes to mind was a tribute the Lamplighters held for contralto June Wilkins.  I was the one who insisted they have the party and I decorated three really wonderful cakes.  She never had a clue and might not even have known who I was.  It is so much more satisfying to do something like that anonymously.

JuneWhoriz.jpg (37073 bytes)
6. I once met: Judy Garland

7. There’s this girl I know who:  was in a Japanese internment camp at Tanforan race track.  Her name was Marie Davilla.  I knew her in grammar school.   She loved horses and could play "Flight of the Bumblebee" on the piano.

8. Once, at a bar: I discovered that people had gathered for a surprise 30th birthday party for me.

9. By noon, I’m usually:  Ready for lunch

10. Last night:  I had the best crab dinner ever.

11. If only I had:  established good health habits when I was younger.

12. Next time I go to church:  It will undoubtedly be for someone's funeral.

13. Jonathan Frid:  Made vampires sexy...and wasn't his death a nice bit of PR for the upcoming Dark Shadows movie?

14. What worries me most:  That Obama won't be re-elected.

15. When I turn my head left, I see:  The new fan I bought.  The weather is warming up and my old fan died the death.  Now I face a cool summer in my office!

16. When I turn my head right, I see:  The very large collection of postcards I have amassed.  I am going to have to be involved with Postcrossing for 100 years to use them all up!

17. You know I’m lying when:  Heck, I'm not going to reveal that secret!

18. What I miss most about the 80s:  All the people who were still alive and still a part of my life.

19. If I was a character in Shakespeare, I’d be:  I don't identify with any character in Shakespeare.

20. By this time next year:  I will have visited five more countries than I have visited up to this year.

1 comment:

Kwizgiver said...

I envy your #20 answer!