Wednesday, November 30, 2022


 There was a 20th anniversary special for Love, Actually on last night.  I enjoyed the special, but realized that I had never seen the movie at all.  I have seen bits and pieces of it (what movie lover has not seen the clip of Hugh Grant as Prime Minister dancing around 10 Downing St?)

I enjoyed the special so much I decided to watch the movie and was disappointed when it was not available for free at any of the services to which we belong.

But I really wanted to watch it and rental at Prime Video was only $4, so I rented it and settled back to wtch -- it was 11:30 and I felt that I would be so sleepy when it was over that I would have no trouble falling asleep.

About 15 minutes into the movie, it stalled with that damn circle going round and round and round while waiting for  the movie to start again.

And then it did that throughout the movieEvery 5-15 minutes it would stop and I'd have to wait half a minute t o a minute and a half (I timed it) before the movie started.  In most of the stops it was only an irritating bother, but when it stopped an emotional scene in the middle (or stopped for 1+ minute in the middle of a nude scene of  two porn actors rehearsing...who wants to watch a bare nipple for a minute?)

I made it all the way to the end of the movie the final emotional scene interrupted) but I think Prime Video owes me a free movie rental!

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