Saturday, January 14, 2023

Sunday Stealing

 Hi! I'm your host Bev Sykes of the blog "Funny the World". . Welcome to Sunday Stealing. This feature originated and published on WTIT: The Blog. Here we will steal all types of questions from every corner of the blogosphere. Our promise to you is that we will work hard to find the most interesting and intelligent questions. Cheers to all of us thieves!

Stolen from the question mem

1. What is your favorite accent?
I'm kind of partial to Brasilian Portuguese.

2. What is your favorite animal?
Domestic: dog.  Wild: elephant

3. What is your favorite band?
Lawsuit, which no longer exists.

4. What is your favorite childhood book?
Either  the Black Stallion books, or any of Albert Payson Terhune's books about collies.

5. What is your favorite color?
Red, the bluish red, not the orange-ish red

6. What is your favorite drink?
Ice water

7. What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?
Butter pecan

8. What is your favorite place on the planet?
For driving around and looking at stuff, San Francisco.  For living, Davis

9. What is your favorite sandwich?
Lately I've been enjoying deli turkey sandwiches.  I also love tomato sandwiches with just mayonnaise and white bread, but the tomatoes have to be home grown...not enough flavor in store-bought.

10. What is your favorite swear word?
The four-letter F word

11. What is your favorite thing to wear?
pajama bottoms and a t-shirt (with a sweatshirt over it if it's cold)

12. What is your favorite food to eat on a rainy day?
Hmmm...Today is a rainy day.  I had an English muffin for breakfast and Cheerios with blueberries for lunch.  But then I'd also have that on a sunny day.

13. What is your favorite food to eat on a sunny day?
the thing that came instantly to mind was corn on the cob.

14. What is your favorite number?
7 for no reason.  It's always been my favorite number and has never brought me any luck.

15. What is your favorite snack?
It used to be spoons full of peanut butter, but I've had to give that up.  Now mostly mandarin oranges or bananas.  I also like crackers with peanut butter or cream cheese, nuts (mostly peanuts, but also cashews) and pretty much any snack food that is bad for me.


Roger Owen Green said...

I appreciate the F word in its versitility

Cathy said...

Fun questions and I enjoyed reading your answers

Plastic Mancunian said...

8. Yes - San Francisco is a special and quite unique city.

10. I almost said that - so versatile - and now largely becoming accepted as normal.




**Syl said...

Good choice of accent. I love the melody of the language...

Have a nice day!

CountryDew said...

I need to reread the Black Stallion books now that I'm an adult. I read them but I barely recall them.

Lori said...

It is hard to beat a dog. They are so devoted and loving. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

Smellyann said...

Bev - are you still hosting this meme, and is THIS where you are hosting it? I'm so confused.

Bev Sykes said...

It's confusing. Yes I am still hosting and the questions are still lat where they have always been. My blog, Funny the World, is not being printed in its own site any more because I am on a new computer and having found the software to use. So in the meantime, I am using my Blogspot link to answer my own questions. I always post links on Facebook to people who are trying to find my blog entries.

Does that make sense?