Sunday, January 15, 2023


 I didn't sleep much when Jeri and Phil were here, so I was very sleepy when they left and immediately went to the couch and slept  2-1/2 hrs.  Then I was up for an hour or so, had lunch and took a 2 hour nap under my wonderful new warm blanket.  I think I may also have napped a bit more in the afternoon.  After dinner, I went to watch a movie and fell asleep within the first 15 minutes, waking up at 10 p.m.  Didn't think I could get back to sleep, but went into the living room and slept on the couch until 2 a.m.  Came back into the family room and my wonderful new blanket and slept anther hour or so, waking up in time to watch Sunday Morning.

I have caught up on sleep, but will undoubtedly take another nap after lunch today.

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