Friday, January 27, 2023

Saturday 9


Welcome to Saturday: 9. What we've committed to our readers is that we will post 9 questions every Saturday. Sometimes the post will have a theme, and at other times the questions will be totally unrelated. Those weeks we do "random questions," so-to-speak. We encourage you to visit other participants posts and leave a comment. Because we don't have any rules, it is your choice. We hate rules. We love to answer the questions, however, and here are today's questions!

Saturday 9: On the Atchison, Topeka and the Santa Fe (1946)

Unfamiliar with this week's tune? Hear it here.
1) In this song, Judy Garland sings about the train whistle and wheels. What sounds make you happy?
The ocean, rain on the roof, babies' laughter, some music
2) She tells us that, since she loves dreaming of train travel, she must have "a little gypsy in her heart." How about you? Do you often dream of visiting faraway places?
When I was growing up, I felt that only rich people would ever visit faraway places, but we have been to 24 different countries and 40 states, so  there aren't many places I dream of visiting, except Africa and the inland passage to Alaska.

3) Judy sings about a future when she's "old and gray and settled down." At what age do you consider a person is old?
When I was approaching my 70th birthday, I realized, to my surprise, that 70 didn't feel so old to me.  But as I am now approaching my 80th birthday, 80 is starting to feel old.

4) This song is from the movie, The Harvey Girls. Filming was a time of stress for Judy. She was appearing before the cameras by day (she sprained her ankle in a scene where slips down a hill), recording the soundtrack by night, and dealing with lawyers regarding her divorce from composer David Rose. Yet watching the movie, none of the tension shows. Do you work well under pressure?
Generally speaking, I work very well under pressure.  If you want something done tell me you need it by tomorrow.  If you give me 3 months to get it done, I won't have started it until it's almost  time for it to be finished.

5) Judy relaxed on the set by knitting and would make blankets and caps for the children of crew members. Do you knit?
I did some 50+ years ago.  I made one baby blanket and two sweaters for Walt neither of which fit him when they were finished.  I haven't knit anything since.
6) Judy admitted she had a problem with tardiness. Do you strive to be prompt?
I have to force myself not to be completely prompt to social engagements. Generally speaking if I have to drive a long distance, I allow time for getting lost and almost arrive exactly on time.
7) In 1946, when this song was on the radio, cigarette cases were very popular. Since these metal cases were standard issue in the Army during WWII, many soldiers got into the habit of using them and continued to after the war ended. Women often carried fabric or leather cigarette cases that closed with a clasp like a coin purse. In the 1940s, elegant cigarette cases were a fashionable gift but today, they are largely forgotten. Did you ever carry one? Do you know anyone who did?
I never smoked, so I never carried one.  I can't think of anybody I knew who did.
8) Also in 1946, bikinis appeared for the first time on runways in Paris. How often did you don swimwear during 2022?

9) Random question: Thinking of your past romantic involvements, were you truly in love with one of them, some of them, or all of them?
I have had few romantic involvements but I was truly in love with each one, at the time.


The Gal Herself said...

Your post appears just fine! I think maybe it took Mr. Linky a minute to catch up.

Your answer to #4 reminds me of that old adage: work expands so as to fill the time available for its completion.

Smellyann said...

We enjoy several of the same "sounds." I have not knitted in a while but not that long! I'm hoping to get my mojo back soon. fun visiting again! ~M

**Syl said...

That was great to read... especially that I have enough years to start worrying about feeling old. LOL!

Have a nice weekend!

Lori said...

How could I forget the ocean? That is one of the best sounds there is. Loved your answers! Have a nice weekend. ♥

Diana_CT said...

#1 I found on YouTube 10 hour videos of rain, surf, and blizzard sound effects to put me to sleep.
#3 Ditto, I am starting to feel my age in my mid-seventies.

Kwizgiver said...

I also love your sounds--babies giggling is the best!

songbird's crazy world said...

The ocean and rain on the roo, both wonderful

CountryDew said...

Great sounds. There are many sounds that make life better.

Susan said...

We took the inland passage to Alaska back in 2006 with Celebrity Cruises. It was wonderful and I would do it again!