Friday, January 25, 2019

It's Over

After 35 days, the odious government shut down is finally over.  Trump would like to claim it was out of benevolence on his part, but...he caved.  Pelosi threatened to take away his TV and like a little kid, he gave in.  It will be interesting to see where we go after this, since the Democrats and a growing number of Republicans are against the damn wall.  His threat of "something worse" than a shut down sounded weak.  I'm sure the committee assigned with coming up with a bipartisan border security plan will find something agreeable to all, with the exception of the president.  They did it before and they can do it again.

It's over for us too.  At least for 3 weeks.

Ned is spending his last night here after so many weeks living half of his life here, helping both of us, but mostly Walt. 

He leaves in the morning to fly to Hawaii (the Big Island) to help his mother-in-law clean up HER house for 2 weeks and then vacation with Marta for a week before returning back here for Walt's next doctor's appointment.

It's a little frightening to think of not having Ned and his organization around here.  I realized how much he does when we had the afternoon alone and Walt's heart monitor beeped.  Ned had told me about the beeping, but suddenly I couldn't remember anything he said ("ignore it," he told me later)
But he and Marta, and dog Bouncer, were back around 8 p.m. in time to spend one last night, helping Walt get through another night.  (Polly's not too happy having Bouncer here, but so far there have been no major problems.)

Tomorrow his sister Alice Nan will be arriving for the first shift.

The family has come together amazingly, and Jeri--who, because of distance, can't actually BE here--has worked out a wonderful schedule, so that we have someone here all the time.  Alice first, then Walt's brother Norm, then Tom, then Alice again and by then Ned will be headed home.  Ned's wife Marta will be here for a couple of days too.

I read so much about families who don't speak to each other for months...or even years....and here we have all these wonderful people who are dropping everything to come and spend time helping here.  I love them all.

I am also feeling more comfortable about Ned flying to Hawaii tomorrow, now that the government is opened and all the TSA people and air traffic controllers should be feeling better knowing that they are working for pay again.

Yesterday I mentioned that one of the reasons I spent so much time cleaning my work table yesterday was hoping to find my paper cutter, which I use all the time but hadn't seen in awhile.

When I reached the bottom of the pile of papers, it was not there and I didn't know where to look.
This afternoon Walt brught down a pile of papers for me that he found upstairs--mostly old things from Atria and my mother's long term care insurance that are now outdated.

But at the bottom of the stack was .... my paper cutter!! I am so happy to have it back.

Ned and Walt say that they figured out how to get me to clean up.  Steal something important off my desk and don't give it back until I've cleared everything away looking for it!

Nah....I'd figure that ploy out real quick.

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