Monday, June 16, 2008

Cold Gruel World

Gizmo and I are weird today.

Last night Gizmo didn't eat her dinner, after the first couple of bites. I expected her to be starving this morning, but we had moved from couch to recliner at 6 a.m. (to see Meet the Press) and when the other dogs were leaping about crazy for breakfast, Gizmo just continued to sleep. I got all the bowls fixed an woke her up, brought her out to the kitchen and after a sniff, she turned and walked away.

That's when I realized two things about me.

1. I seemed to be covered in insect bites. It was hot last night and I didn't use any covering at all, and boy the mosquitoes must have had a feast. I could post a photo here, but it's MUCH more impressive if you look at it


The photo is only my legs. The bites covered my torso and back as well. Hard to know if they were on my scalp or not, since my scalp itches most of the time anyway (and has all of my life).

2. The second thing I noticed as that my stomach wasn't feeling any too good. I fully expected to be hunched over the kitchen sink before the morning was out, so I just got into the recliner with groggy Gizmo and turned on something boring--probaby another Tim Russert retrospective #1,009 and woke up around 10:30. The nausea was better by then but I had a pins-and-needles sensation on the skin of my stomach and I thought I should eat something.

I fixed myself some oatmeal and ate it while hunched over the kitchen counter (because it was uncomfortable to stand up), while Gizmo finally ate her breakfast.

But the oatmeal didn't really feel all that good on my stomach so I only had a few spoonsful and went back to the recliner, again with Gizmo, who also was ready for more sleep, and we both slept until 12:30.

Somewhere between 6 a.m. and noon, the itching had stopped and the welts went away, thank goodness. I was also starting to get hungry by 12:30, so I ate the rest of my oatmeal, even though it was cold, and that seems to have stayed down.

There is also a bit of a desire to run to the bathroom periodicaly, but fortunately the problem I had a couple of months ago has not resurfaced. So far.

I don't know what is causing MY problem. I bought some blackberries and some lamb chops at Costco on Thursday and ate both yesterday. The chops were on the rare side. So it may have been something having to do with that. Or maybe I picked up whatever Gizmo has.

Someone from the SPCA dropped off some specialty dog food for dogs who aren't eating, as well as some medicine for her, but I don't think I'll fix myself a bowl of dog food. I'm just being very careful with what I eat (and you know that if I'm not fighting food cravings, something is seriously wrong!)

There is one advantage to this condition, however mild it is. Not being able to stand up straight without pains in your stomach or a feeling that you need to run off to the bathroom is a legitimate excuse to give up the treadmill for the day!

Why I'm voting Republican this time

Thanks to Gabi Clayton for the heads up.

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