Monday, December 25, 2017

A fondue Christmas eve

The one "person" I had no Christmas gift for was Benny.  Poor Benny has been neglected lo these many months because I haven't been able to think of an adventure for him, but I wanted the girls to see Benny on Christmas so I went off in search of a Santa hat for him.

This took me to the Dollar Store, where I easily found a hat and a bunch of other Christmas-related games and puzzles, which I bought for the girls so they'd have something to amuse themselves with while here on the 26th. 

They I found some nice Star Wars bags, at $1 each, so bought a Darth Vader and one with R2D2 and C3PO on it and divided up the toys and games in to the bags, including Christmas cups for them to drink out of at dinner, and then have a bag for each to give to them when they arrive on the 26th.

Next was a riotous visit to the local supermarket.

It was a zoo.  All aisles were filled, the lines at check-out were so long that you couldn't actually tell which line you were in until you got closer to the cash register!  But I was determined not to let it get to me and decided the only way to deal with it was to sigh and keep a smile on my face.

I was interested in one cart that had a HUGE prime rib roast on it.  I cooked prime rib last year and remembered how expensive it was. I had to sneak a peak at the price on this one: $264!!!

When I got home, there was some time to spare, so I did some heavy-duty reading.  I had finished Narnia book 5 that morning and still had one more book to go before our Book Club meeting on the 26th.  By the end of the day I had finished half that book so I'm in good shape.

Jeri and Phil got home from Ned's party last night and wandering around Davis today and we had drinks and peta chips with hummus and then went out to check the Lights of Davis.

There were lots of pretty houses, pretty amazing houses, and one house that even decorated its car.

But of course the piėce de resistance was Derrick's house, the home of my former boss a the Enterprise, whose house is always a salute to cartoons.  It used to be just Peanuts cartoons, but now it has expanded to include other cartoons as well.  It is the show stopper of his neighborhood and he even has a radio station with a one-block range where he plays music you can listen to in your car.  I was happy he was outside so he could see Jeri, whom he has not seen in years....maybe decades.?

It's almost a crime to post this photo because it shows a teeny, tiny segment of the whole house, which is impossible to capture with my cell phone camera.
We came home and I prepared Swiss fondue for us for dinner.

I hadn't had fondue in so long and was really craving it and it seemed a good special dinner for four to close out Christmas eve.  As I write this, it is 3;30 a.m.  I napped for about an hour after dinner, wrote this, and now will get started on my pumpkin pie for tomorrow night's dinner.

Oh yeah...and my printer broke this afternoon. 

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