Sunday, March 16, 2014

Sunday Stealing

From FYeah, Surveys!

Do you have another window or tab open? If so, what are they for?

I always have several tabs open, usually one for Facebook, one for SwapBot, one for Funny the World, and one for whatever else I've just Googled.  I sometimes have another window opened, but rarely, and for nothing specific.

Do you like to cook/bake?

Yes.  I'm a good cook.  I just don't like to plan and shop.

What are you currently listening to?

The sound of the fan inside my computer.  It's early and nobody else is up and I haven't turned the TV on yet.

How long have you lived in the house you live in?

We moved here in August of 1973, so 40-1/2 years.

Are you tired?

No.  I just woke up and I slept seven hours last night, which is something of record for me

Do you pick your words carefully, or just tend to blurt everything out?

Oh I'm a blurter.  I try to speak carefully, but most of time I just say whatever is on my mind.

Are you nice to everyone?

Of course.  Why would I not be?

Have you ever tripped in public?

I'm a klutz, so yes.  My last was that spectacular fall I took at the theater a week ago.

Are you a morning person or a night person?


Is it easier to forgive or forget?

Definitely easier to forgive.  Forgetting is impossible for me.

Is there something that’s recently shocked you?

Oh, it must be something that congress did.  That seems to be so shocking on a daily basis that it doesn't even register any more.

Which is harder: walking away from somebody you love or coming back?

Fortunately, I've never had to do either.  They do it first.  The walking away part.  Nobody has ever come back.

What were you doing at midnight last night?

Sleeping.  We had just come back from a show and I was groggy, so went to sleep before midnight (unusual for me) and went to sleep instantly.

What color are your eyes?

Hazel, though Walt will tell you "green with yellow flecks"

We finished our marathon 9 shows last night with a wonderful production of a play called 4000 Miles.  It was not without incident, however, when about 15 minutes into the play, someone in the audience had an emergency.  I don't know what it was, but they stopped the play, called 911, got him out of the theater and then the play started again from where they left off.

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