Monday, July 13, 2009

Brunch with Bri

Tom, Laurel and Bri came to town this weekend to go to a 1st birthday party for Bri's cousin. We were able to catch up with them at Ned & Marta's for brunch this morning.

Walt had seen Bri recently, when he last went down to Santa Barbara (for Tom's beach BBQ while Jeri and I were in Italy), but I hadn't seen Bri since her birthday weekend in March, I don't think.

She's in gym classes now and loves playing with the exercise ball

BriBall.jpg (41934 bytes)

She was also intrigued by Ned and Marta's treadmill.

BriTreadmill.jpg (46058 bytes)

Marta made a nice breakfast with something I'd never had before, believe it or not--biscuits and gravy. I know it's a staple in some parts of the country as a breakfast food, but I don't think I'd ever had it before. Yum-o, as Rachael Ray would say.

Ned and Tom showed off their respective children's tricks.

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And Ned had fun with his newly toothless state.

ToothlessNed.jpg (48453 bytes)

(When Ned was in Little League, about age 10, his front teeth were knocked out during practice. Fortunately, his coach was a dentist and rushed Ned off to the office where he reimplanted the teeth. He said that they would probably always be discolored and would probably have to be replaced when he was about 18. Well, the teeth lasted him to age 40, but the time is now and he's started the process of implants. Brianna was fascinated by the gap in his teeth!)

And of course they couldn't end the day without Ned taking a movie, trying out Brianna on his new green screen.

BriGreenScreen.jpg (43112 bytes)

I'm sure a Superbaby video is in the making!

It was really a fun morning and we were so happy to have a chance to visit with all the kids, old and young (and 4-footed!)

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