Sunday, March 9, 2008

Home Alone

By 3 p.m., I was home alone.

The dogs, bless 'em, had let me sleep in until 7:45--unheard of! I had been so sleepy the night before that I actually left Mary sitting up finishing her work on her scrapbook and I just laid down and died almost instantly. I slept until 2, then moved to the recliner and was amazed to wake up with sun streaming in the family room window. Mary came downstairs about an hour later. She had been packing her suitcases and stripping her bed. We had to leave for San Francisco early so she could be at her friend Steve's house by 11:15.

We actually had a reservation for a tour of a chocolate factory in Berkeley at noon, but plans had changed during her four days here and that part of the trip had to be scrapped.

The night before, she had quickly ordered prints from our day in Old Sacramento to be printed at Longs and picked them up, then spent the evening finishing off her scrapbook of her time here.

The one thing she didn't have was a good picture of Lizzie leaping. I locked the dogs outside and promised her that Lizzie would oblige. Only she didn't! She wandered around the yard, nibbled some grass, played with Sheila, and peeked in to watch Mary eating her breakfast...

...but no leaping from my Leaping Lizzie. I decided that maybe I've been locking the dogs out too much lately (like when the computer guru is here) and Lizzie is getting more accustomed to it.

But when I started moving around the kitchen and making "leaving the house" movements, she finally got desperate and started jumping and I was able to get photographic evidence for Mary.

With Walt's help, we finished loading up the car and were on the road, more or less on schedule. The traffic was light and we had no problems getting to San Francisco. We were even a little early, so I decided to take the first off ramp and then drive up Market Street so Mary could see some of downtown (even though I knew she had been there before).

We arrived at her friend Steve's house, where he was waiting in front for us (since I knew that parking would be impossible in that neighborhood) and I got all the luggage unloaded and turned the care and feeding of Mary over to Steve.

I made a quick call to my mother to ask if she would like to have lunch with me (or, more accurately, if she would like to make lunch for me!) and so I made a short stop at her house and we had a lovely visit over some home made split pea soup and a toasted cheese sandwich.

Then I plopped the iPod into the player in the car to listen to Ed McMahon read his "Here's Johnny" while I drove home.

When I got home, I did a search on the internet for a photo Mary tried to take yesterday, but was unsuccessful. So, it is:

(The photo is right at the entrance to Sacramento, which is where Highway 50 begins. There is a similar sign in Ocean City, Maryland, where Highway 50 ends, giving the distance to Sacramento.)

All that was left to do was plan what to pack for our quick trip to Santa Barbara in the's almost not worth taking a suitcase, we'll be gone such a short time. But I do have a few baby-related things to take, so a suitcase is necessary.

I also had four days of recorded TV stuff to catch up on, so the night was both busy and relaxing!

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